OTTAWA—As the end of the decade approaches, it’s hard not to see the sentimentality of everyone on social media reflecting on what they’ve accomplished over the past 10 years of their lives, lamenting the aging of their bodies and faces, saying how they wished they’d...
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The Ides of March are coming and Andrew Scheer may want to circle it on his calendar
Dec 4, 2019 | The Hill Times
OTTAWA—“Release the hounds!” is the resounding sentiment of many Conservatives after the bitter “L” they took in Election 43. Last week, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Andrew Scheer, faced even more scrutiny on his intentions to continue as leader as...
In wake of blackface scandal, actual Black Canadians left in out-of-cabinet cold
Nov 27, 2019 | The Hill Times
OTTAWA—Justin Trudeau doesn’t care about Black people. In a post-blackface Canada, with a post-blackface prime minister, Black representation in the House of Commons, the Senate, and the judiciary—much less cabinet—remains abysmal, with only a smattering of chocolate...
Because it’s 2019, let’s stop using feminism as a not-truly-equal cabinet crutch
Nov 20, 2019 | The Hill Times
OTTAWA—Gender parity, once on-trend in 2015, is now merely a passing thought just four years later. Cabinet announcements will be made today and not since in the days immediately following the election in October has gender parity in cabinet been discussed. What’s...
OK, Boomer: The problem with analogue politicians in a digital world
Nov 13, 2019 | The Hill Times
OTTAWA—OK, Boomer. The fundamental lack of understanding of technology, paired with the complete disinterest in learning about it and how it affects our lives, is a massive problem for democratic governments, and Canada is not immune to this. In fact, this is where...
Western alienation is real, but Kenney, Moe grievances are about entitlement
Nov 6, 2019 | The Hill Times
OTTAWA—Never in the annals of history have white men been so oppressed and subjugated—or that’s what Jason Kenney and Scott Moe would have us believe. In fact, all over the world, we have been inundated by mainstream media about the care and support we must give our...
This just in: Canadians get carpal tunnel from handwringing over unsurprising domestic divisions
Oct 23, 2019 | The Hill Times
OTTAWA—Well, at least the Liberals had the decency to legalize weed for this toxic election. I’m not here to spit hot fire about how marginalized communities were used as political meat, oscillating between the barbecues of the Conservatives and the Liberals. We were...