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    Twitter May be Ailing, but Mastodon is No Remedy

    Twitter May be Ailing, but Mastodon is No Remedy

    OTTAWA—If Twitter is a city that’s burning, Mastodon represents the suburbs. Digital white flight has seen white liberals leave downtown Twitter to flee to the gated, segregated communities of Mastodon. As I wrote last week, Twitter is ostensibly circling the bowl due...

    The Tech Party is Over

    The Tech Party is Over

    OTTAWA—Grand opening, grand closing. The tech party is over. For 15 years, the FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) companies drove investment patterns and economic growth with the ostensible invincibility companies with such high valuations attain....

    Ford Around and Find Out

    Ford Around and Find Out

    OTTAWA—Premier Doug Ford almost ground Ontario to a halt by trying to bludgeon a thorn in his side. In other words, Ford fucked around and found out.  The Ford government attempted to shove a garbage deal down the throats of some of our more vulnerable and lowest-paid...

    Racism Rears its Ugly Head in Police’s Untested Tech

    Racism Rears its Ugly Head in Police’s Untested Tech

    OTTAWA—Now is the time to re-read 1984 and rewatch Minority Report and Demolition Man, because this is where we are right now. On Oct. 4, Edmonton Police tweeted (now-deleted) out a suspect for a sexual assault that occurred in the city in March of 2019, which they...

    Global North’s Whitelash Brings Fascism Back in Fashion

    Global North’s Whitelash Brings Fascism Back in Fashion

    OTTAWA—Fascism is in fashion again in the Global North. In case you missed it, the world woke up on the morning of Sept. 26 to find that Italy had elected Giorgia Meloni, its first female prime minister and a fascist. She has lead Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d’Italia)...

    The Queen is gone and I’m glad her reign is over

    The Queen is gone and I’m glad her reign is over

    OTTAWA—London Bridge is falling down, indeed. (Fun fact, I used to live near London Bridge when I lived in England. Shoutout to SE1.) The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II is over and so is the 10-day dog-and-pony show by which the world was held hostage. Perhaps now we...

    Solidarity Should Move Beyond the Mirror’s Reflection

    Solidarity Should Move Beyond the Mirror’s Reflection

    OTTAWA—Solidarity is for white women—of a certain class. Over the weekend, a video was released showing Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland being verbally accosted by a man who looked like he had missed his weekly cowboy bath in the outhouse....